The University of Belgrade - Centre for Career Development and Student Counseling
The University of Padova - Career Service
The Swansea University - Careers and Employability Service
The University of Silesia in Katowice - Career Services
The University of Novi Sad - Centre for Career Development and Student Counseling
The University of Nis - Centre for Career Development and Student Consulting
The University of Kragujevac - Centre for Career Development and Student Counseling
University Singidunum - Career services
Student Conference of Serbian Universities
Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia
Ministry of Youth and Sport of the Republic of Serbia
Beogradska otvorena skola (Belgrade Open School)
Public Enterprise for electric energy transmission
Infostud 3 d.o.o.
Megatrend University
The University of Belgrade - Centre for Career Development and Student Counseling
The University of Belgrade is the oldest and the largest university in Serbia, with over 89.000 students and 31 faculties divided into four groups: sciences and mathematics, technology and engineering sciences, medical sciences, social sciences and humanities.
In order to create a professional university service to support students and recent graduates in developing practical knowledge and skills relevant for their further education and future employment and to connect them to the business community University of Belgrade founded in 2006 the Centre for Career Development and Student Counseling Services (CCD). Key activities of the Centre are directed to providing career information, education and counseling services to students and building relations with employers aiming to create effective partnerships for the benefit of students and development of their capabilities, knowledge and practical skills relevant for employment upon graduation. The Centre’s trainings helped optimize work of other state universities’ Centers.
Contacts: Dejana Lazić Project coordinator The University of Belgrade - Centre for Career Development and Student Counseling
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(+381)11/3207 463
The University of Padova - Career Service
The University of Padоva, founded in 1222, counts more than 70,000 students, belonging to 13 Faculties, and more than 2,500 technicians and administrative units. The Career Service of the University of Padova, founded in 1997, is a central office and its aim is to guide students and new graduates in the professional world and manages internships, trainings in Italy and abroad. Other activities include: Career Guidance; Observatory on the Local labour market that takes care of monitoring the quality of graduates' jobs and new trends in the local job market.
The activities in which The Career Service of the University of Padova is available to collaborate are the following:
- Guidance upon “Repertorio delle professioni”
- Gathering and organising career related information
- Designing a module for trainings of students
- Organising the training for trainers for developing practitioners’ competences
- Establishing national university career centres network
Contacts: Gilda Rota Contact person The University of Padova Career Service, Italy
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011/3207 463
The Swansea University - Careers and Employability Service
The Careers and Employability Service offers a wide range of help: Individual Careers Guidance interviews; E-Guidance; Access to vacancy database; Work experience placements and work tasters; A programme of employer presentations on campus and an annual Employer Careers Fair; Advice on postgraduate study and funding; Help with securing work placements and study opportunities overseas; Help with finding term time employment; CV writing workshops and job interview practice sessions.
The Careers and Employability team helps students compile evidence of their practical work related achievements, also works with academic staff to provide personal development planning for all students, to ensure on-going improvement to students’ employability. Students are encouraged to participate in variety of extra-curricular activities to build evidence of work related skills. We are therefore strongly placed to provide information and training on innovation within UK Higher Education Careers Services.
Contacts: Pauline McDonald Contact person The Swansea University Careers and Employability Service, UK
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0044 (0)1792 205678
The University of Silesia in Katowice - Career Services
University of Silesia is a public body which offers 45 courses at I, II and III levels. It collaborates with over 300 foreign HEI and conducts projects for over 100 million EUR. Career Services, founded in 2000, provides students and graduates with professional career guidance (incl. competences diagnosis, designing individual career plans, etc.) It collaborates with employers and helps them to reach future employees (by meetings & job offer data base).
It is experienced in monitoring labour market (reports on graduates’ careers, employers’ expectations, and professions of the future). It conducts Academic Entrepreneurship Incubator (allow students to try their business without taking any risk) and programmes for entrepreneurship promotion (trainings, coaching and consultation for students interested in own business). It is a member of Polish Career Services Network and president of Regional Forum for Career Services (15 units). It deals annually with about 2000 “clients”.
Contacts: Agnieszka Dunaj Contact person The University of Silesia in Katowice Career Services, Poland
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0048 509 685 727
The University of Novi Sad - Centre for Career Development and Student Counseling
The University of Novi Sad was founded on June 28, 1960. having invested considerable efforts in intensifying international cooperation and participating in the process of university reforms in Europe. University of Novi Sad set up the Centre for Career Development and Student Counseling in order to connect academic and business community as well as to improve the level of employability of its students.
The mission of the Centre is to provide information related to employment and career development, to advise students on the choice of occupation and facilitate the process of acquisition of work experience and practical knowledge. Likewise, the Centre fulfils the following tasks like: Providing support in developing capabilities, knowledge and crafts of students which altogether are vital for employing; providing information about job offers; Connection of students with employers via organizing professional practices in companies and organizing presentations of companies.
Contacts: Borisav Obradović Contact person The University of Novi Sad - Centre for Career Development and Student Counseling
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(+381)21/450 188
The University of Nis - Centre for Career Development and Student Consulting
The University of Nis was founded in 1965 as a state HE institution and comprises 13 faculties: Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Occupational Safety, Faculty of Philosophy, Faculty of Physical Culture, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Faculty of Technology and Teacher-Training Faculty. The University of Nis presently has 25313 undergraduate and nearly 700 postgraduate students, 1515 teaching staff and more than 600 administrative and support staff. One of the leading principles of the University of Nis is to become a part of the European higher education area and to adjust its plans and programs against this aim, in the context of the reform of higher education system within the Tempus and other programs. The Careers project will improve functioning of the University Center for Career Development.
Contacts: Dragoslav Đokić Contact person The University of Nis - Centre for Career Development and Student Consulting
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The University of Kragujevac - Centre for Career Development and Student Counseling
The University of Kragujevac was founded in 1976. as an independent institution of higher education. The fundamental mission is to educate the high quality capable young professionals in all study fields that exist at the university. Today, University of Kragujevac has grown into a modern educational and research, comprising 11 faculties with 1035 teaching staff and the student population of 17000. International Relations - cooperation with over 55 foreign universities is realized through various areas which reflect the mutual priorities and the interests of contracting parties.
The University also participates and encourages its faculties to apply for educational and research projects (TEMPUS, ERASMUS MUNDUS, WUS, CEEPUS, FP projects, etc.). University of Kragujevac Centre for Career Development and Student Counseling was established in November 2007. The main goal of the Centre is to connect the academic and the business community as well as improve the level of employability of its students.
Contacts: Olivera Mijatović Contact person The University of Kragujevac - Centre for Career Development and Student Counseling
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University Singidunum - Career services
USGD was founded in 2005, in order to offer new opportunities and to create new leaders and business elite of Serbia as well as in the neighboring countries. USGD consists of the following faculties: Integrated faculties of Singidunum University (Faculty of Business, Informatics and Management, Tourism and Hospitality Management), Faculty of Business in Valjevo, Faculty of Economics, Finance and Administration, Media and Communications, Applied Ecology, Faculty of European Legal and Political Studies, Sremska Kamenica.
Curricula and degree formats are modelled on the well known EU faculties and colleges and on the best practices of our national faculties. They are in accordance with the principles of the Bologna Declaration and ECTS. Singidunum University is very devoted to students and offers different kind of Career services on University and the faculty level.
Contacts: Marina Savković Contact person University Singidunum - Career services
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Student Conference of Serbian Universities
Student Conference of Serbian Universities is the highest students’ representative body in Serbia. It Represents 250.000 students from Serbia.
- Represents and supports the rights and interests of all Serbian University students.
- Represents Serbian students at the international level.
- Coordinates work of all Students' parliaments in Serbia.
- Supports and initiates student projects and policy developments in higher education.
Delegate representatives in:
- National Council for Higher Education.
- Commission for Accreditation and quality control.
- Students' standard institutions (Students' center, campuses, resorts, etc.).
- Working groups in jurisdiction of Ministry of education.
- European Students' Union (ESU) – in process.
Contacts: Danilo Jeremic Contact person Student Conference of Serbian Universities
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Petar Debelnogic operations Student COnference of Serbian Universities
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(+381)60 573 8333
Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia
The Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia carries out state administration in pre-school, primary, secondary, and higher education and pupil and student standard relating to:
- research, planning and development;
- administrative supervision;
- participation in the development, equipping and maintaining of facilities;
- professional teaching supervision;
- organization, evaluation and supervision of advanced professional training for educators;
- additional education of the children of citizens living abroad;
- supervision of professional activities in higher education;
- nostrification and equivalence of public certificates obtained abroad, and
- improving social care for talented and special-needs pupils and students.
The Ministry of Education takes part in shaping government policy in education, monitors state affairs, implements the law and other regulations, carries out supervision, oversees public services, and addresses developmental and professional matters.
Contacts: Ljiljana Todorovic Contact person Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia
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(+381)11/3622 471 and 064 8134081
Ministry of Youth and Sport of the Republic of Serbia
Ministry of Youth and Sport is in charge for: Implementation of National Youth Strategy and Action Plan, development of the National Youth Policy, encouragement of youth to participate; protection of youth interests; education of young people in the fields of employment and voluntarily work; cooperation with the youth organizations; support to establishment and functioning of Youth Offices, enhancing the international cooperation; psychical culture, building sport infrastructural capacities; fulfilling rights of sportsmen, sport organizations and associations.
Ministry of Youth and Sport initiated development and adoption of the National Strategy for Career Guidance and Counseling and its Action Plan in March 2010, together with a number of relevant institutions and partners (Ministry of Education, National employment service, Universities, Serbian chambers of commerce etc). Activities realized so far: capacity building, creation of the Centre for career guidance and counseling for young talents etc.
Contacts: Snežana Klašnja Contact person Ministry of Youth and Sport of the Republic of Serbia
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Beogradska otvorena skola (Belgrade Open School)
The Belgrade Open School (BOS) is non-profit educational organization. BOS contributes to the development of society through education, research and training to agents of social change and policy development in order to build modern democratic society. Relevant projects are implemented through the Centre for Career Guidance and Counselling that contributes to development of career guidance in Serbia in fields of education, training and employment since 2004; creation of diverse models for careers, capacity building and innovation in the field.
Main projects concerned: development of Career Guidance and Counseling Model within the VET System in Serbia; coordinating development of the Inclusive Strategy of Career Guidance and Counseling in Serbia and related Action Plan; support to government in implementation of these strategic documents; trainings in career management for youth, students, teachers; career education, career counseling, career informing and labor market preparation, etc.
Contacts: Jelena Manić Contact person Beogradska otvorena skola (Belgrade Open School)
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”Elektromreza Srbije“- Public Enterprise for electric energy transmission
Public enterprise ”Elektromreza Srbije“ is electricity transmission system and market operator. Company is also engaged in maintenance of the country electricity transmission facilities. Public enterprise”Elektromreza Srbije“is member of various organizations such as: ENTSO-E (European transmission system operations association), UCTE, ETSO, SUDEL, EUROELECTRIC etc.
Due to number of reasons our enterprise created a concept of career development for university students and graduates in cooperation with University of Belgrade. According to the signed cooperation agreement, we organize internships, fellowships and take an active role in representing the view of employers on conferences organized at universities.
Contacts: Ana Kurcubic Contact person Public Enterprise for electric energy transmission
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(+381)11/3330 742 (+381)64 8408 519
Infostud 3 d.o.o.
Infostud is a company which develops and maintains Internet sites and encourages development of e-business. Infostud moves in the direction of development of e-business through leading a strong group of highly visited web sites. Websites that Infostud is most famous for are job portal (central place of the labour market and web board career information in Serbia) and education portals and (most known and used resources for information about formal and non-formal education possibilities in Serbia). With its job and education portals Infostud has a reach of over 550.000 people who visit our websites per month. (source: Google Analytics). The bases of our vision are constant positive changes, working improvements and investing in people, led by optimism, creativity, ambition and responsibility. Infostud was established in 2000. and has over 10 years of expirience in managing career websites.
Contacts: Jovana Krsmanovic Contact person Infostud 3 d.o.o.
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(+381)24 650 539
Megatrend University
Megatrend University is a successful private university consists of 11 faculties, 4 colleges, Megatrend Virtual University, Institute for New Technologies and TV Metropolis. Students are offered education in 8 campuses in 6 Serbian cities. After 22 years of continuous work in the field of higher education, our university has tens of thousands of active students and graduates, on all the levels of academic and scientific degrees. The faculties of Megatrend University offer vocational, academic, specialist, master and doctoral studies in various academic and scientific disciplines (business, international economics, management, art and design, culture and media, bio-farming, state administration, computer sciences). Megatrend University founded the Center for Career Development and training of students of Megatrend University - Megakarijera. Center aims to inform, educate, advise, facilitate and provide practice and training for students of the Megatrend University.
Contacts: Aleksandra Tošović Stevanović Contact person Center for Career Development and training of students of Megatrend University
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(+381)11 2203124