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. WP1.(DEV) Information for university students
. . 1.2. Key staff trained
. . . Presentations from training at University of Padova
. . 1.3. Gathered information about labour market
. . 1.6. Organisation of 5 round tables to present the results
. . . Univerzitet u Beogradu
. . . Univerzitet u Novom Sadu
. . . Univerzitet u Kragujevcu
. . . Univerzitet u Nišu
. . . Univerzitet Singidunum
. . 1.4. Organised informationabout labour market
. . 1.1.Established principles for labour market analyzes
. WP2.(DEV) Information about university students
. . 2.2. EU practices presented to key staff
. . . Presentations from training at University of Padova
. . 2.5. Development of CareerS Kit for Employers
. . 2.3. Results of the assessment of employers
. . 2.4. Gathered data from faculties
. . 2.6. Info campaign for employers
. . . Press clipping about Guide through Diplomas
. WP3.(DEV) Cooperation with academic staff
. . 3.1. and 3.2. Creating the plan and the team for cooperation within academic community
. . . University of Kragujevac
. . . University of Novi Sad
. . . University of Nis
. . . University of Belgrade
. . . Singidunum University
. . 3.4. Organising info sessions with representatives of academic staff and students
. . . University of Belgrade
. . . University of Kragujevac
. . . University of Nis
. . . University of Novi Sad
. . . Singidunum University
. . 3.3. Design and production of CareerS-kit
. . 3.6. Organising promo campaign for students
. . . University of Belgrade
. . . University of Novi Sad
. . . University of Kragujevac
. . . Singidunum University
. . . University of Nis
. . 3.5. Creating CareerS Info points at faculties
. . . University of Belgrade
. . . University of Kragujevac
. . . University of Nis
. . . University of Novi Sad
. . . Singidunum University
. WP4.(DEV) Cooperation with employers
. . 4.1 Analyzing examples of best EU practices
. . . . POLAND
. . . . ITALY
. . . . Prevodi na srpski jezik
. . 4.2. Round table resulting with recommendations
. . 4.3. Package of services to be offered to employers by Employment Services of career centers
. . 4.4. Piloted programs with employers
. . 4.5. Workshop for experience exchange
. WP5.(DEV) Strengthening capacities
. . 5.1. Status report on university career services
. . . Material in Serbian
. . . Material in English
. . 5.2. National workshop to present the status report
. . . Report
. . . Izveštaj i Agenda
. . 5.3. Content of trainings for career services staff
. . . Training UK
. . . Training Poland
. . . Training - Italy 2015
. . 5.7. Development of E-services of career centres
. . . Useful articles and other materials
. . 5.4. Organisation of trainings in EU
. . 5.5. Monitoring by EU partners
. . 5.6. Raised level of technical requirements for developing E-services
. . . University Singidunum
. . . University of Nis
. . . University of Kragujevac
. . . University of Novi Sad
. . . University of Belgrade and Student Conference of universities of Serbia
. WP6.(DEV) National Programme and Methodology for CGC
. . 6.3. First Draft of Program and First Draft of Methodology
. . 6.2. Analyses of existing programs for CGC and the Methodology
. . 6.1. Forming the team of experts working on this WP
. . . 6.1.3 Meeting of members of both Teams to result with work plan
. . . . EU presentations on Career Guidance and Counselling Systems and Standards
. . . Introductions and Presentation of the Work Package 6
. . . Serbian Career Guidance and Counselling System
. . Working group WP6 files
. . 6.4. Public Discussion on both documents
. . 6.5. Final draft
. WP7.(QPLN) Quality control
. . 7.1 Project Quality Plan Document
. . . Project Quality Plan
. . 7.2 List of all Project deliverables and Action plan
. . 7.3. Internal Steering Committee for the QQ
. . 7.4. Internal and external evaluation templates
. . 7.5. SOW/Document for the external evaluator
. . 7.6. Orientation and Training Plan for the external evaluator
. . 7.7. Assessment report
. WP8.(EXP) Sustainability
. . 8.1. Creating the National university network of career centres
. . . Documentation
. . 8.2. Forum for career guidance and counselling
. . 8.3. Strategic plan for development of career centers at universities
. . . Strategic directions for career services in higher education / PERSPECTIVE OF EU PARTNERS
. . . International CareerS Conference Nis 2013: Serbia within European Paradigm of Career Guidance - Recommendations and Perspectives
. WP9. (DISS) Dissemination
. . 9.1. External dissemination via project leaflet and branded material
. . 9.2. Internal and external dissemination via web site of the project
. . 9.3. Organizing Dissemination conferences and events
. . . First Annual CareerS Conference
. . . II Annual CareerS Conference
. . Press clipping
. WP10.(MNGT) Management
. . 10.1. Management structure established
. . . Project partners presentations
. . 10.4. Reports from National Project team meetings
. . 10.5. Reports from University teams meetings
. . 10.2. Reports from Steering Committees
. . 10.3. Reports from Consortium Meetings
. . . I Annual Consortium Meeting
. . . II Annual Consortium Meeting
. . 10.6. Report on the project coordination and administration
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