Training for further recommendations on strategic plan for the career centers development

Padua, 3-4 February 2015. – Within the Tempus project CareerS a training has been organized for the representatives of career centers from universities in Serbia at the University of Padua from 3 until 4 April 2015.

Representatives from University of Belgrade, University of Novi Sad, University of Kragujevac, University of Nis and Singidunum University attended the Training for further recommendations on strategic plan for the career centers development, which consisted of the following sessions:

- Strategic plan for Career Centers (CC) Development (actions, policies for a strategic plan for the setting up and the effectiveness of a CC) by Dr. Gilda Rota, University of Padua;  

- Marketing plan and recommendations for the sustainability of a Career Centre (which marketing actions should be taken, how to promote a CC throughout the Academia and the Business world; which actions can implement future partnerships and setting up of networks for the sustainability of the CC policies and actions) by Dr. Anna Boaretto, University of Padua;

- Monitoring, evaluating and improving the effectiveness of a Career Centre: the experience at the University of Padova (various tools – e.g. questionnaires – used in Padua for the various actions in order to understand and evaluate the effectiveness of the policies and the activities of a CC) by Dr. Erica Bezzon, University of Padua;  

- From standard settings to indicators: proposal of a model of standard setting for the effectiveness of the Career Centres Development (presentation from a representative coming from the Ministry of Labour) by Dr. Giuliana Candia Italia lavoro – Ministry of Labour.

Group from Serbia had the opportunity to discuss with University of Padua Career Center team key issues relevant for strategic planning and further development of career services at universities in Serbia.

On the second day of the training two group visits were organized by the University of Padua, one to Informagiovani – Career Centre at the Municipality of Padua and another to Provincia Padova – the regional Placement and Career Guidance. This was another occasion to discuss about career guidance and counseling activities for young people and unemployed and analyze different approaches, active policies, similarities and differences with Serbian institutions and existing partnerships and networks. 

Photos from the training are available here.

Presentations from the training can be dowloaded here.

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