Belgrade,15 Octobar 2011 – The University of Belgrade have signed the Grant Agreement with the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), acting under power delegated by the Commission of European Union, for an action with multiple beneficiaries for the project Development of Career Guidance aimed at Improving Higher Education in Serbia (Project number 517119-TEMPUS-1-2011-1-RS-TEMPUS-SMGR).
Co-beneficiary institutions for this project are:
This project will be realized as a Structural Measure at the national level in Serbia, and as it is stated in the article I.2.2 of the Grant Agreement, the period of eligibility of costs shall begin on 15-10-2011 (the “starting date of the action” and shall end on 14-10-2014 (the “closing date of the action”).